About Vienna

Austria’s capital is located in the heart of Europe, has a rich culture and vivid history and was home to famous musicians and artists. Vienna has a lot to offer: The city is safe, has a stable political system, well-organized public services, a clean environment and an outstanding public transport system. Additionally, the Austrian health system is excellent.
Vienna is a city of culture and radiates imperial flair. But it is also young, creative, multicultural and cosmopolitan. Cafés, markets, city beaches and free open-air concerts characterises the city. Apart from outstanding traditions in music, it was in fact medicine that greatly contributed to Vienna’s worldwide renown. In keeping with tradition, Vienna ranks top among smart cities in terms of innovation, technology and sustainability.
The capital of Austria is proud of its history and has a tradition of playing the role of host, creating a breeding ground for new ideas and groundbreaking discoveries, and the ideal environment for researchers, doctors and academics to work in.
Vienna leads the way in Europe when it comes to research spending. Many pioneering international R&D achievements first saw the light of day in Viennese laboratories and spin-offs. Vienna is an internationally respected and constantly growing location for life sciences with around 550 companies, research institutions and other organisations working in the sector.
The city has established an outstanding reputation as a conference city. It provides all the infrastructure and professionalism required to successfully organise meetings in Vienna. In 2018, Vienna hosted 4,685 meetings, 33% of which were scientific congresses, 67% corporate events.