Platform supporting an integrated analysis of image and multiOMICs data based on liquid biopsies for tumor diagnostics

Project Coordinators: Dr. Sabine Taschner-Mandl (PhD) and Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Florian Kromp (PhD), Children´s Cancer Research Institute/Solid Tumours
The project is conducted by the fully owned subsidiary of the CCRI, Labdia Labordiagnostik GmbH

Project Partners

Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft, Vienna, AUT
Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH, Upper, Austria, AUT
Platomics GmbH, Vienna, AUT
CogVis Software und Consulting GmbH, Vienna, AUT
VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierungs-GmbH, Vienna, AUT
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Hautklinik, Erlangen, DEU

Project Abstract

VISIOMICS aims at developing a comprehensive solution for refined tumor diagnostics offering workflow management, multi-level data integration and advanced user interface solution in one efficient and certifiable workflow. Neuroblastoma, as a rare disease, will serve as a model to help solving the currently frequently observed problems in diagnostics accompanying personalized treatment strategies, i.e. integration of multi-level data despite of scarcity of samples and incomplete datasets.
We therefore plan to expand our analysis by integrating DNA/RNA-sequencing and SNP-array data and combine them with imaging derived morphological and antibody staining properties of disseminated tumor cells isolated from liquid biopsies. Integration is performed in a sequential manner to better define genes and/or cell features, allowing to distinguish between samples from relapse versus non-relapse patients already at the time of diagnosis.
The VISIOMICS software platform, linked to a centralized database storing raw and processed data, will be an important tool enabling efficient user interaction and data visualisation tasks to translate expert knowledge into clinical/diagnostic analysis workflows.


Funded under the programme COIN “Netzwerke” (tender 9) by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Duration: 01.11.2017 – 31.10.2019